Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Francisco's SNG

Hi everyone, today the project field office report for Francisco's SNG arrived. A few of us had inquired about whether or not the family would benefit from an IGP. Here is the report:

After consulting with Franciso and his family, his field worker determined that it would not be feasible at this time to provide the family with an income generating project. They do not have any prior experience in this area and do not feel confident in running a successful business. However, the family does have the following needs at this time:

Set of bed sheets

Total Cost: $200.00

I hope this information is helpful to you. If you would like to provide these items for Francisco, please attach a note to your gift stating your intentions. This will help ensure that your gift is used according to your wishes.

I want you to know that if you decide to provide for Francisco's special needs, I will ask that pictures be taken of your child with the items he receives so that you can share in his delight. Again, thank you for helping Francisco. Through sponsorship, you're making a lasting difference in his life.

Bertha Mangum


If anyone would like to contribute to this SNG, please post or send me an email. It might make a nice Christmas gift. If we can't do the $200, maybe we could do clothes, shoes, for Francisco, and some food. Remember that there are 12 people living in the home and we are sponsoring Francisco. God bless.

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