Sunday, March 6, 2011

Completing the Fundraiser in Stages

This was shared by Barbara, one of Francisco's sponsors:

It would probably be best to do the fund-raising in three separate stages.

1) The foundation and concrete flooring which would require the following.
a truck load of sand - $171.98
rocks - $127.47
35 bags of cement
though all might not be
needed for the floor alone $388.46

Total costs for materials $687.91
Plus a rough estimate of
labour costs. - $312.09
- Approximate Grand Total- $1,000.00

If each group member would be able to donate an extra $35.00 say in April that would raise $420.00 and if Steve Hogan could manage $580.00, that would raise the required first installment.

Total $1,000.00

If that is not feasible and each person can only afford $30.00 that would equal.
- $360.00
Plus matching amount from Steve -

Total - $720.00

If fewer bags of cement were purchased that might just be enough to make a start. Having so many bags of cement lying around might make it irresistable for poor people wanting to steal for profit.

Barbara also suggested that we try to raise funds through our church, school, or local store for example.

"When/if you get any ideas from the other group members could you also add my last suggestion of perhaps taking on one of the items as an individual fund-raiser either the bricks, sand or small rocks, cement, etc., If some one belongs to a church with a congretion of say 200 and they ask each person to donate a mere $2.00 that would pay for the bricks!! Plus any other ideas that occurr to you or others. e.g. having a spare change jar which soon adds up." Barbara

I think that this is a great idea! Other possibilities are putting the fundraiser on First Giving or Aura's House to gather more contributions.

Please post here or on the Yahoo group if you have other suggestion or ideas to help this family! Thank you so much!

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